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SOG Trident AT - Olive Drab

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Product Description:

The SOG Trident uses our well-proven means of delivering a knife blade to the open position with S.A.T. (SOG Assisted Technology™) Now using our patent pending Arc-Actuator™, the Trident locks stronger and releases easier. There is also a built-in safety to lock the blade closed. When it shows red, you are ready to go.

What also makes the Trident so unique is the patent pending Groove™ in the handle, which allows the operator to cut paracord, fishing line, etc. without having to open the blade. The handle also includes a Digi-Grip™ variable pattern for coarser grip in areas that require it. Our bayonet style clip is easily switched for right/left hand carry or removed for pouch storage.


SOG Assisted Technology (S.A.T.) works through the balance of opposing high-tension coil springs. As you initiate the opening action, the force propelling your blade open becomes greater than the force keeping it closed. The result is a blade that springs open instantly once it is engaged, seemingly on its own.


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